We moms have our routine down and, following the kids' departure for their morning practice session, we hit the beach ourselves for morning runs and walks to take a little time for ourselves. Our days are very busy at training camp headquarters cleaning, cooking, doing laundry and organizing.

The highlight of the day seems to be the dip in the backyard pool following workouts.
Shortly following the morning practice, one of our campers named Aigul needed to make a run to a sporting goods store. The closest is about 10 miles away and I offered to take her to town. I was fortunate to get to know her on the way.
Aigul Kozharkulova is the 15-year-old skating student of Coach Valentin Nikolaev, one of our two camp coaches. What many may not know is that Valentin is an amazingly gifted coach with a stunning track record, having coached Olympic champions Oksana Baiul and Viktor Petrenko, several additional European ice skating champions and our very own Coach Alexei Mantsorov while living in the Ukraine. Valentin now lives and coaches in Richmond, VA.

We are very fortunate to have both Valentin and Alexei coaching our kids through camp. The respect and admiration that Alexei has for Valentin is evident to even an onlooker and the respect and admiration our kids show for Alexei is incredibly similar.
I read the most fabulous quote this morning . . . "If you want to know how much I love you, count the waves."
I thought about this quote when I was talking with Aigul, sympathizing with her as she tells the story of her family that she misses because they half-a-world away, but dreaming with her as she talked about her goal of becoming an Olympian.

And I thought about this quote when I, perched in the sand with my camera, focused in on my own daughter who, in the end of her painful run, mouthed, "I love you, Mommy!"